Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Update on IP meeting with SABC

Dear all,

Myself (Neil Brandt), Thandi and Rehad attended on behalf of the IP subcommittee. Apologies
given for Desiree and Pule.

SABC was represented by Nhalanhla Sibisi, Sabelo Silinga and Webster Mfebe.

SARRAL and SAMRO where there but did they did not really contribute. CWU was
also represented.

After much heated discussion the following has been agreed;

1) SABC will provide a written point by point response to the
commissioned IP reports final recommendations. We thought that this was the
point of this meeting but we never made it to any substantive issues as
discussion was primarily around process. This will be received by September
1st. The IP committee should do the same. I will do a first draft for

2) We shall meet again on the 15th September to briefly respond to each
other's positions, but main purpose of this meeting will be to set the
agenda and "ringfence" the issues that will be the subject of an intensive 2
day workshop between the SABC and the IP subcommittee. I imagine this will
happen around the end of September. This will be critical, as the real meat
of what it means to share ownership will be fleshed out. SABC will insist
that all affected stakeholders will also participate in this meeting.

3) Out of this workshop we should have draft positions on the table
that will be put to the industry at an IP Indaba. It is my strong
recommendation that we utilize the resources that the GFC has to host an
industry Indaba to dovetail with this. I am recommending to the GFC that the
main focus of the INDABA (whether we like it or not they are going ahead so
lets make the best of it - currently planned for November) be IP and how
this relates to building a sustainable industry. This can work on a basic
training level for producers on IP, but more importantly also to use the
forum to bring all stakeholders together to negotiate a win-win situation
for the, bring the DTI, CIPRO, SAMRO, NFVF, SABC, SASFED, IPO
ect to the table with pre planned solutions with a view to really once and
for all finding a way that we can work together seamlessly and unlock

4) All the above based on the premise that SABC willing to contract out
of the Commissioning Exception. A parallel process should be undertaken in
which we tackle the long-term vision of changing the relevant laws.

Input welcomed.

Neil Brandt

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